(972) 372-4957‬ [email protected]
Using a Wide Angle Lens

Using a Wide Angle Lens

April 29-30, 2017 Recently, I realized that renting gear before buying it makes much more sense for me.  In the past, I’ve impulsively bought camera gear that I thought I had to have or needed, and it turned out I was wrong.  So, now I rent gear before buying...
Connemara Nature Preserve

Connemara Nature Preserve

April 8, 2017 – Another Great Day at Connemara Since discovering Connemara a year or two ago, I have been back many times.  Usually, I’m hunting for birds to photograph, but there are so many beautiful flowers and trees, that I often come home with...
Barn Hunting

Barn Hunting

Today I went Barn Hunting.  Some details about where I went and what I saw. I might say more here if I was the photographer — but I’m just the lowly website technician.  So I don’t have much to say.   I’m just writing this here so the...

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