(972) 372-4957‬ [email protected]

April 29-30, 2017

Recently, I realized that renting gear before buying it makes much more sense for me.  In the past, I’ve impulsively bought camera gear that I thought I had to have or needed, and it turned out I was wrong.  So, now I rent gear before buying it.  This week, I have been having a lot of fun using a wide angle lens.

I was amazed at how much of this building I was able to capture. I did zoom in to 35mm on this one, because I didn’t want to see the cars parked in front.

More specifically, I’ve been using the Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II Zoom Lens.  A friend of mine mentioned how much fun it was to shoot with a wide-angle lens, so I thought I’d give it a try.  Being a person who LOVES to zoom in on people, animals, flowers, etc…, I was sure that I would not enjoy a wide-angle lens.  Unfortunately, I have really enjoyed shooting with this lens, and I love the photographs I’ve gotten with it.

A wide-angle lens opens up a whole new world.  I realize now that all my zooming in, causes me to miss a lot of interesting detail that is surrounding my subjects.  I’ve seen things in a whole new way.  I’ve learned that the best shots aren’t always the ones that are zoomed all the way in.  Sometimes seeing the surrounding beauty makes the shot better than seeing a facial expression or details on a bird’s wing.

These lenses are expensive, but I think eventually, I will need to add one of these to my supply kit.  I just hope I get one of these before I go travel to a place like the Grand Canyon.  I’ve had so much fun with the lens here, I can’t imagine how much fun it would be to take photos of a place like that with a wide-angle lens!

I love how the wide-angle lens lets you see so much of the soccer field! And…I was sitting so close to the action. It was fun!

If I ever get one of these lenses, and if I ever make it to the Grand Canyon with this lens, I’ll certainly let you know, and I’m sure I’ll have some awesome pictures to share!  In the meantime, I hope you’re okay with all of my zoomed in, close-up shots of birds, faces, and other things I find interesting.  A wide-angle lens just isn’t in the budget right now!  Until next time…


It was neat to see Zach, the basketball, and the entire basketball goal all in one shot! Usually, I’m so zoomed in, I only see his face and maybe the basketball!

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