This blog title is one of my favorite sayings that I borrowed from a great country song called The Bug by Mary Chapin Carpenter. If you haven’t heard the song, head on over to Apple Music and check it out. I chose this title, because during this season of baseball, my son, sadly, was definitely the bug.
Sidelined by an injury, he spent most of the season in the dugout cheering on his teammates, and occasionally running for his pitcher and/or his catcher. These moments when he got to be out on the field are what got him through what will hopefully be his toughest season.

On a more positive note, because my child was not out on the field, it gave me time to mess around with some focus systems on my new camera. I recently purchased a Canon R5, and since I’ve been shooting Sony for the last 5 or so years, switching has been quite a challenge for me.
I am able to take excellent pictures with my Sony in my sleep, so it was time to shake things up a bit and start learning something new… I went with a new Canon R5, because it was the latest and greatest mirrorless camera. And I have to say, it is all it was hyped up to be (and more).
So using my new Canon R5 at all of my son’s baseball games was a perfect opportunity to learn. And one of the things I learned very quickly was that there is a lot that goes on during a baseball game that doesn’t take place on the field.
My new favorite spot for photos is the dugout. This is where the players come and share their excitement over a win with their buddies, an awesome play, or where they come to hang their head after a play that didn’t go their way.
There is so much emotion that can be captured in this place! Who knew? My focus was almost always on the field hoping to catch the perfect slide or tag at third. Or how about an epic slide into home when a runner steals the base?

But since my own child had been spending so much time in the dugout, I’ve spent more time watching him and his buddies as they watch the game. And I have to say, some of my favorite shots from this last season are shots taken when the kids were in the dugout.
I still love a good slide into home plate with dust flying, but the emotion in the dugout is an amazing thing to capture. Here’s to continuing to learn not only about how this new camera works, but where to look for some great shots.
If I can help you out with sports photos, family photos, or anything else you need photographed, you can find me over at Paula Mason Photography.
Until next time…