My senior photoshoot last week with Matt was so much fun. I just love getting to know these kids (young adults) and hearing about their college plans.
With Matt, things were a bit different though, because I have known him for quite a while. It’s a pretty fun story…
One of the highlights of my son’s Kindergarten year, was getting to spend time with his reading buddy. I heard all about this wonderful 6th grader who came to my son’s classroom every few weeks to read with him, complete projects with him, and play games with him.

Zach adored his reading buddy, and having a friend in the older grades was the coolest thing ever, according to Zach.
We made it through Kindergarten, and continued on at school, and on the first day of second grade, guess who was sitting in Zach’s classroom with his mom? You guessed it…Matt!
Zach’s 2nd grade teacher was his Kindergarten reading buddy’s mom! Zach was so excited to see Matt and chat with him, and he was even more excited that Matt’s mom was going to be his teacher. What a small world.
We had a great year with Matt’s mom. Over the years, I have kept up with her (and Matt), and now my son is in 6th grade, and guess who his social studies teacher is?! Yep…Matt’s mom!
Hard to believe that Matt, my son’s sweet reading buddy from Kindergarten is already a Senior and getting ready to graduate from Allen Highschool. It was fun to see Matt all grown up now and hear about his plans for next year.

He has grown into a wonderful young man who is heading off to OU next year. What a lucky school. He knows exactly what he wants to do, and I have no doubt that he will sail through college.
It will be fun to see him out in the “real” world one day soon, and Zach and I can say we knew him way back when… Look out, OU. Here comes Matt!
Until next time…