(972) 372-4957‬ [email protected]

I love watching fireworks!  Even more than that, I love trying to capture photos of the fireworks.  It’s a lot harder than it looks, but each year, I learn something new, and seem to get a bit better at it.

This year was quite different.  I had mastered it with my Canon 5D Mark IV, but this year, for the first time, I was going to try to use my new Sony A7 rIII.  Oh my…  A mirrorless camera that I have not quite gotten the hang of yet.

And more than that, the menu system on this camera requires a degree of its own.  I could work my way through the Canon menu with my eyes closed, but learning this Sony menu is a different story.  And to complicate matters, I was going to try to be navigating the menu in the dark, right before the fireworks show began.  So much for reading up on shooting fireworks and planning ahead…

Not the best viewing spot, but to get an unobstructed view, we would’ve needed to camp out for a long time!

My daughter and I arrived at the fireworks location about 30 minutes before showtime.  We were running late because of a baseball tournament my son was playing in.  I didn’t want to miss that, so we went over to the fireworks show as soon as we could.

I set up my camera on the tripod quickly, and began navigating the menu.  I figured out the settings I thought would work, and was ready to take on this challenge.  Then I realized I had forgotten my remote, so I would have to stand at the tripod all night and run the camera.

Me and my little fireworks buddy waiting for the show to start!

That ended up working out, because parked next to us was a little boy, maybe 2 or 3 years old, that gravitated to my Jeep and my tripod.  He tried to climb into my Jeep several times, and then he tried to run between the legs of my tripod!  Oh my…

So the fact that I was able to get any decent shots was surprising!  I was pretty pleased with many of the results.  Still a lot to learn, so if I start studying now, maybe I’ll be ready by July 4, 2019!

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!  Until next time…


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