(972) 372-4957‬ [email protected]

Photo Shoot Questionnaire

Tell me what you’re thinking!


A big part of getting the “perfect shot” in a photo shoot is making sure the photographer (me) is on the same page as the client (that’s you).


So, I’ve collected the most helpful questions on this page.  Please answer them as best you can.  There are no wrong answers.  Don’t worry, we’ll make adjustments on the fly during the shoot.


Knowing what you are thinking helps me make creative choices that will result in great pictures for you and your family.


When you hit send, I’ll get an email with all the details you provide.  I’ll reply to your submission to confirm I reviewed it and ask any followup questions about your ideas..


Hint:  The more you can tell me about what kind of pictures you want, the easier it will be to set up the perfect shoot for you.  So don’t be shy!  Tell me exactly what you are looking for and we can start from there.


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