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What should we bring to our photo session? What should my senior wear? How many changes of clothes should we bring? Where should we take his/her pictures?

These are all questions I get from parents who schedule senior photo shoots with me. All great questions too, and definitely things you should be thinking about if you have a graduating senior!

One of my favorite photo sessions is taking pictures of highschool seniors for their graduation announcements. It’s always so fun to chat with them and hear all about their plans for work, college, or travel after they graduate.

With each senior, the story is always different and so fun to hear. Some of them are shy and don’t share much with me, and others remind me of my own kids and have so much to say. And they are all always excited about graduating and moving on to whatever their next chapter is…

So what should you bring with you to a senior session? That really depends on what kind of pictures you want to end up with. Do you simply want updated photos of your senior? Those are simple – just pick a location, some cute clothes, and show up.

Or do you want nostalgic photos? These are so fun, but be prepared to shed a tear or two… For these photos, you should consider bringing a baby picture with you, a special baby blanket or toy, or simply something that was special to your senior when they were little and you never thought this day would come.

What has been the most important event in your child’s highschool experience? Is he/she on a sports team? In the band? If so, bring a letter jacket, tennis racket, instrument, football, or something that represents the sport or activity. So many options…

If your senior loves to read, bring a book! If your senior loves music, bring some records (vinyl record covers look cool in photos)! Maybe your senior loves their car. If so, bring it. It’s always fun to pose on the tailgate of a pickup truck! We can work anything (within reason) into a photo session.

Sometimes parents like to be in the photos too, so think about that. If you want a picture taken with your senior, be sure you come dressed and ready to be photographed as well.

It’s really up to you! You can bring anything you want to a photo shoot. My advice though, is to plan ahead for this. Sometimes it’s not easy finding just the right baby photo or a special toy from your senior’s childhood.

Think it through ahead of time, and maybe search on Pinterest if you’re having trouble coming up with ideas. Or just email me…I’m happy to chat with you and come up with some ideas for your senior’s photo shoot. Just let me know how I can help! You can find me over at Paula Mason Photography!

And congratulations! Until next time….

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