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May 18, 2017

Recently, on one of my adventures, I discovered a new bird I had not seen before.  The Cattle Egret.  I was taking some pictures of a baby calf and his momma, when I noticed some funny birds hanging around.  They were Cattle Egrets.  What an interesting bird.  Ever since I discovered them, I now know to look for them whenever I see a herd of cattle.  They are nearby almost 99% of the time.  Usually, right under the feet of the cattle, or sometimes even on top of them!

Very interesting birds, and lots of fun to photograph!  I’m always amazed at how close they stay to the cows.  I’m also amazed that they show no fear, and seems like they don’t get stepped on either.  Amazing!  And Like I said…very fun to watch!

After encountering them several times, I went home and read all about them.  Apparently, I am one of the few who thinks they are cute and fun to watch!  Check out my blog post titled Cattle Egrets in Allen?  What? and you will see what I mean!  Until next time…

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